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The Atlantic Islands Festival will not be taking place in 2011.
Sorry for any disappointment caused.


The first ever Atlantic Islands Festival and Geopoetics Summer School took place on the Isle of Luing in Argyll from Saturday 4 to Saturday 11 July 2009. This was a great opportunity to visit a beautiful island, learn about geopoetics and take part in a wide variety of events from talks and guided walks about Hebridean bird and plant life to ceilidhs, drama and gaelic singing workshops for children, a boat trip and a slate sculpture competition.

The Atlantic Islands have much in common in a fascinating past and challenging future, and folk from Easdale, Seil, Bath, Belfast and different parts of Scotland joined with many islanders in the Festival and contributed to a discussion about the Atlantic Islands Centre which the Isle of Luing Community Trust proposes to build in the conservation village of Culllipool.


The 2009 festival programme is still available to view online, including a separate children's programme.

geopoetics - tai chi - ceilidhs - storytelling workshop - wildlife walks - music night - theatre skills - the Atlantic Islands Suite - Celtic Artwork - geology - Atlantic Food Showcase - gaelic singing workshop.

Artists & Speakers

Find out more about the writers, artists and musicians that helped to put together the varied programme of events.

Richard Ashrowan - Margaret Bennett - Norman Bissell - Patsy Dyer - Jim Ferguson - Alastair & Zoe Fleming - Cheryl Galbraith - Zora King - Jacqui McDonald - Aidan O'Rourke - Jan Sutch Pickard - Anne Scott - Marion Sheridan - Mark Sheridan - Bill Taylor - Peter Urpeth - Lori Watson - Jamie Whittle.


The Isle of Luing is a little known corner of Argyll. Find out more about this hidden gem, including how to get here.


Now that the festival is over we hope that participants will find time to share their output for inclusion in the festival website so that we can show the creative results of what has been an amazing week!


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